Proud of his African heritage, he hopes to return to Nigeria to help bring about positive change and modern advancements. They were significant because it foreshadows her assimilating into another culture. She dances around the apartment, claiming to be performing a tribal dance while shouting OCOMOGOSIAY and singing. Joseph Asagai An African college student from Nigeria, Asagai is one of Beneathas suitors. .He's from Nigeria. He is from Nigeria and introduces Beneatha to Nigerian culture. Ruth-She said this about Beneatha's inability to commit to a consistent hobby. I guess the world really do change . Asagai continues to tease her and Beneatha grows angry at his not taking her seriously. How is she caught between worlds? Plus Asagai always talks to her about assimilational negroes and he says that they are disappointing to him so she also has that on her mind when she thinks about her identity. Beneatha: AND YOU CANNOT ANSWER IT! She saw a child who was injured and how a doctor saved him. Asagai's dreams of fashioning an Africa more to his liking is what inspires him to lecture Beneatha about misplaced priorities. Why does she tell this story? . The childhood memory that Beneatha shares with Asagai is the time that she went sledding on the ice-covered stone steps of a house. There so many important quotes in 'A Raisin In The Sun', including Asagai quotes and quotes from Mama in 'A Raisin In The Sun'. . Ruth-She said this about Beneatha's inability to commit to a consistent hobby. Asagai makes her think and question; he points out her complete assimilation into the American culture. 3. Beneatha Younger is a young woman who dreams of becoming a doctor but her goals are dependent on her family's finances. Asagai, as he is often called, is very proud of his African heritage, and Beneatha hopes to learn about her African heritage from him. what channel is the lightning game on tonight spectrum; difference between dorayaki and taiyaki Act Two, Scene One takes place during the same day as Act One, Scene Two -- the Younger Family's cramped apartment. This can show belonging she feels she is more connected to Asagai heritage than others. Wednesday, March 4, 2020 BENEATHA Asagai doesnt care how houses look, Mama hes an intellectual. Answers: 1. Report an issue. Asagai soon leaves and calls Beneatha "Alaiyo," explaining that in his language it means, "One for whom bread is not enough." Why does she tell this story? Analysis. Beneatha is working to fulfill her dream of being a doctor, a job that was considered not fit for her status during the plays time period. eISBN: 978-0-307-80744-1 1. The family shares one bathroom with another family in their building. Asagai symbolizes tradition and cultural identity. Beneatha had a rather carefree childhood in the North compared to Mamas life in a former slave holding state where the practice of lynching existed. When the scene opens, Walter is depressed and lying in bed after losing Mama's insurance money in a bad investment. Report Quiz. Reprinted by permission. Asagai obviously cares for Beneatha very much, and he wonders why Beneatha does not have the same feeling for him. BENEATHA I knowbecause thats what it says in all the novels that men write. Beneatha explains to Mama that Asagai is from Africa, and she expresses concern that the family does not understand anything about African culture. Why does The value of dreams. Analysis: Act I, scene ii. A Raisin in the Sun. I. Money is life. Answers: 1. It infers "one for whom reality is never enough". 5. George Murchison Beneathas other boyfriend, he too is a college student. . She is more interested in learning about Asagai and his heritage than her own. give Travis 50 cents. 6. Your See answer katinasteele15 is waiting for yo He eventually proposes marriage to Beneatha and hopes she will return to Nigeria with him. MAMA Who? QUOTES You read the books to learn the facts to get good grades to pass the course to get a degree. Asked by Osvaldo V #652516. This exchange occurs near the end of the play in Act III, as Asagai and Beneatha fight after Bobo comes to tell the Youngers that the money Walter has invested is gone. Summary. Seeing Rufus sledding and falling and busting his face open. For Beneatha, Asagai is her connection to her African heritage. Why does Walter The other man in Beneatha's life is Joseph Asagai, a Nigerian man she met in college. What childhood winter memory does Beneatha share with Asagai? You stay right in front of the BENEATHA Asagai doesn't care how houses look, Mama house, though, and keep a good lookout for the post- he's an intellectual. have another child. Talking Points Slideshow 5019404 by rich Last updated by jill d #170087 on 10/20/2017 3:53 PM A Raisin in the Sun 6. Subsequently, she receives a marriage proposal from her Nigerian boyfriend, Joseph Asagai, who wants Beneatha to get a medical degree and move to Africa with him (Beneatha does not make her choice before the end of the play). answer choices. Bio Poem Activity . "Honey life don't have to be like this. 3" " # # PreMReading#:#Anticipation#Guide# Directions:"We"are"going"to"read"the"play,"ARaisinintheSun. A Raisin In The Sun by Jane G.A. MAMA: I don't think I nevermet no African before. Why does she choose this moment to talk about it? 4. A Raisin in the Sun. Report Quiz. Walter returns home and excitedly asks if the check came in the mail. None of 1. Joseph Asagai. Later on the same Saturday, Beneatha emerges from her room cloaked in the Nigerian clothes that Asagai has brought her. 11. p. cm. The rest of this report will be dialog created by author of this report that will set the stage for the established and pre-existing content from A Raisin In The Sun. Best Answer. Upset about the loss of the money, what childhood memory does Beneatha share with Asagai? (A Raisin in the Sun) There are two men in Beneatha's life, one is Joseph Asagai (a Nigerian intellectual) and the other is George Murchison (a wealthy black man). Despite the risks, the Youngers go through with the move in order to salvage their dignity. He asks where his mother is and Mama says she has gone on business. Walter: Noit was always money, Mama. He brings her a native African dress, for example, and also encourages her to let her hair grow naturally rather than have it straightenedalthough this encouragement is phrased in terms of an insult. Beneatha wants to talk, however, George does not want to talk to her at that very moment in time. Joseph Asagai is a minor character of the play A Raisin in the Sun who struggles to develop his relations with Beneatha. Walter's comment that the family wont fight no causes distances the family from more radical factions of On the other hand, Joseph Asagai, Beneatha's Nigerian boyfriend, opposes full cultural assimilation and encourages Beneatha to embrace her African roots. May 24, 2017 A Raisin in the Sun Act III AP Lit 1. Finally, in speaking with Asagai, Beneatha explains, with a childhood anecdote, how she knew she wanted to be a doctor. Lorraine Hansberry's A Raisin in the Sun provides a compelling and honest look into one family's aspiration to move to another Chicago neighborhood and the thunderous crash of a reality that African Americans faced when attempting to do so. As George and Beneatha sit on the couch, George tries to kiss her, but Beneatha pulls away, attempting to continue their conversation. When Beneatha does show up in the play, her character enables us to see the different male roles in society with her relationships with George Mutchinson and Asagai. A Raisin in the Sun Act 3 1. The importance of family. After reading James Kennedy's The Order of Odd-Fish, I jumped at the chance to talk to the author about this immensely creative story, the use of adult vocabulary, whether a nose is really just a nose and how this book fits alongside the now-canonical Harry Potter series. Mama comes into the room, and Beneatha introduces her to Asagai. That evening, Ruth is ironing and listening to the radio when Beneatha enters grandly from her bedroom, wearing the robes and headdress that Asagai gave her that morning. This answer is: Helpful ( 0) Not Helpful ( 0) Add a Comment. In this play their is sexism, racism, and many other cultural differences that we might not have been able to see if we were not in the minority until this play. [Read my original review of the book here.] Beneatha is worried about Mama meeting Mr. Asagai because he is a Nigerian student with progressive ideas and Beneatha is impressed with Asagai and doesnt want her mother to embarrass her in front of him. While the play takes place entirely within the Youngers apartment, Hansberry takes care to introduce external influences. Langston Hughess Dream Deferred Intertextuality. A raisin in the sun / by Lorraine Hansberry; with an introduction by Robert Nemiroff.1st Vintage Books ed. g. Asked by Osvaldo V #652516 on 10/20/2017 3:06 PM Last updated by jill d #170087 on 10/20/2017 3:53 PM Answers 1 Add Yours. A Raisin in the Sun by Lorrain Hansberry Review. Analysis. Scene Two begins the following morning and Mama and Beneatha are cleaning while the radio is playing a rather exotic saxophone blues. Beneatha-She said this about Mama being sad about Walter Senior dying. Act I, Scene II. send Beneatha to college. Joseph Asagai pays a spontaneous visit to the household, offering to help the family pack. 1. Who is Joseph Asagai? A Raisin in the Sun (1959) by Lorraine Hansberry (1930-1965). . Why does Beneatha attack Asagai's dream about Africa, including her sarcastic reference Q. As George begins to kiss Beneatha once again, she turns with lack of interest and resumes talking. Beneatha tells Asagai a story from her childhood explaining by she decided she wanted to become a doctor because she wanted to take care of people Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Asagai attends the university Beneatha studies at and thus shares her search for knowledge. Why is Asagais present to Beneatha appropriate? Why? Beneatha is trying to decide who she is and who she wants to be as she grapples with the ideas of different influences- Asagai, who wants her See answer (1) Best Answer. We just didnt know about it. While Beneatha considers herself to be independent, Asagai argues that she has been anything but. Asagai goes on to describe his dream: he wishes to return to Nigeria, bring back what he has learned, and share it with the people of his homeland so to improve their lives. He flatters her with gifts (something that George Murchison has not done); in addition, Asagai's gifts are not meaningless trinkets but are things that are both useful to and desired by Beneatha such as the Nigerian robes he clearly has gone to The tension of earlier events seems to have subsided. Beneatha tells him that this moment from her childhood is why she wants to become a doctor. Also, through Asagai, Beneatha learns of her African heritage and thus furthers her search for identity. In act three, at the end of the play, Beneatha describes to Asagai a childhood memory of the time one of her friends getting badly injured. Best Answer. Joseph Asagai wants Beneatha to become all she can be; in particular, he wants her to live the answer to the problems that seem to stand in the way of her dreams, as he does with his own problems.