yerba santa sage prayer

Offered as a prayer for healing. WARNING: A lit smudge stick should . 1 to 2 inch loose leaves mixed with cut-n-slice. Yerba Santa, also called Holy Herb or Sacred Herb, is a primary element in spells of illusion and has a rich history as an altar offering. - Benefits of Juniper: 1. creates safe 2. protection 3. invites positive energy 4. provides a healing space 5. removes negative energy - Click the link in our bio to take our smudging quiz today - #love #safety #security #healing #love #spiritual #wellness #mindfulness #namaste #spirituality #consciousness #inspiration #happiness #nature 100% of Every Sale Goes Towards Supporting Local Artisans. Excellent for clearing mental clutter and it also relieves headaches. Allow it to burn like that for at least 10-20 seconds, then blow it out. More from All. $ 6.00 Add to cart Use Yerba Santa Smudges to help purify mind, body & spirit before prayers or other religious ceremonies, to help cleanse the air and purify the atmosphere, and to help remove negative energy. All of the benefits of sage are enhanced with the smell of rose, bougainvillea or any of your favorite flower scents. Sierra Cedar Smudge 7 in. Yerba Santa has also been used for love, purification, growth, empowerment and beauty, and the release of emotional pain stored in the heart chakra. for example before meditation or prayer, or they are quite often used by body workers and therapists before treatments. HOW TO USE: Open a window or a door to let fresh air in. This 4" wand has a sweet smell that will delight your senses, home, office, or any surroundings. Flower Sage Smudge Stick. Yerba Santa is known for having an enjoyable spicy scent that helps dispelling gloomy feelings. Encourages a Peaceful Sleep. Yerba Santa is often linked to increased clarity and is also a powerful divinatory herbal mix that intensifies spiritual energy. Loose Leaf Sages, Cedar (White Sage+ Red Cedar) + Yerba Santa, resin (choose) BLESSINGS Smudge Sacred Ceremony, Native Loose-Leaf Incense. Special Price. The herb is in the waterleaf or Hydrophyllaceae, and it helps regulate the water elements in the body making it perfect for the soul and emotional blockage. Shopping cart. White Sage Blue Sage and Yerba Santa Mix Smudge Sticks - We just received a shipment of this wonderful mix of Sage Smudge Sticks, where they are harvested ethically and responsibly. White Sage & Yerba Santa Incense Bundle 7 in. 7) Close Your Ritual. Element Meaning: Smudging is used for cleansing and purification by smoke. Smoke cleansing rituals can include prayers, high intensions and any other modifications one desires. Fresh Loose leaf sages or evergreens wild-crafted or grown in our sage gardens and fields, each. Grandmother Smudge Stick. Sale price $3.01 $3.01 Regular price $4.95 $4.95 Save $1.94. Organic Yerba Santa & White Sage smudge sticks sold individually. Appreciate the great deal. Add to wishlist. Yerba Santa tea for healing These small smudge cones are 1"H - approximate burn time 10-15 minutes. Accessories; Cloth Patches; Enamel Pins; Key Chains & Miscellaneous; Bath & Oils Expand submenu. Don't hesitate to sign up for our newsletter so that you can find out the latest promotions, the latest arrivals, and exclusive discounts. THIS SAGE SET INCLUDES 4 SAGE STICKS (WHITE SAGE, BLUE SAGE, YERBA SANTA, AND DRAGON'S BLOOD SAGE) AS WELL AS OUR FREE SMUDGING GUIDE. $26.08 (9 new offers) White Sage Smudge Kit - 4 White Sage with Carnation, Licorice Stick, Lily, Peppermint, Marigold, Ginkgo Leaves, Dried Lemon, Dried Tangerine & 1 Yerba Santa! As you light the . It is also highly effective in releasing emotional pain stored in the heart chakra. It is wonderful for relieving stress, anxiety, and insomnia. You might even want to place the ashes around the earth outside of the space as a way of making full use of the smudge stick. It is also good for lifting the energy of . Category: Sage. Start the process of blessing the house and clearing it of negativity by pouring the purified or spring water into the spray bottle and diluting the kosher or sea salt into the water filled bottle. Add a wild turkey feather, abalone shell, and tripod for smudging. Its bitter scent repels all kinds of energy, preparing the ground for attracting positive vibrations. Healing, Purifying, Meditating & Cleansing. Each smudge wand measures approximately 9-10"". Yerba santa has traditionally been burned to help heal broken hearts. Palo Santo Mountain Sage Smudge Stick. Includes: Healing Aura Energy White Candle (Charged with Full Moon, Blessed, Dressed, and Infused with Positive Energy) Incense Holder. Our White Sage (Salvia Apiana) with Yerba Santa is grown in the high mountains of Southern California. All of our sage is carefully gathered with the proper prayer and observances during harvest. Yerba Santa is a ceremonial herb known for healing, protection and clearing negativity. Yerba Santa means 'holy herb' in Spanish. Bracelets & Prayer Beads; Earrings; Yoga & Meditation; Guru Shirts & Capes; Gear; For Her; Towels & Throws . I let go of tension. Grandfather Smudge Stick. Yerba Santa has also been used for love, purification, growth, empowerment and beauty, and the release of emotional pain stored in the heart chakra. . I now cleanse away the destructive energy. Store Tree of Life Products. It has a long history of use as an altar offering and has been Dakota Sage & Cedar 10 in. Use Yerba Santa Smudges to help purify mind, body & spirit before prayers or other religious ceremonies, to help cleanse the air and purify the atmosphere, and to help remove negative energy. 4.6 out of 5 stars. White Sage & Yerba Santa Smudge 4"L (Mini) 4507 Mini Smudge Sampler 4"L (White . Add to cart. Price: $11.90 /**/ Cedar Smudge Stick. Wild grown and hand harvested using sustainable and Add To Cart. Light the tip, and gently blow out . Quantity. Light it while it is tilted at a 45-degree angle so that it lights. Holy Body Scrub Made with Organic Materials. Trees. This page was last updated on: 8/10/2021. 4.6 out of 5 stars. Use Sage to help cleanse a space of stagnant energy, to purify people prior to. A wonderful ceremonial wand to burn for healing, purification, & love. It attracts love, growth, clarification and positivity. White Sage Smudging Stick- Includes Ritual Instruction Card White Sage Smudging Stick & Smudging Ritual CardWhite Sage is known for releasing what is troubling the mind and removing negative energy. Show gratitude to the sage or palo santo for its ability to help you cleanse and purify the object, space, or yourself, depending on what your use was. Buddha Meditation and Prayer Tools Prayer Beads Prayer Flags. Uplifting scent. UPC: 886354737300. . WHITE SAGE - A smudging herb for purification in the Native American tradition. Post a Review. Cross. Light a small corner of the herb. As practiced by generations of Native Americans, the pointed end of the smudge stick, while held over a bowl of sand, is ignited. In many instances, it might have been burned with the . Other Plants. Quick shop. Yerba Santa had a delightful sweet aroma that compliments white sage beautifully. Crush the leaves and add them to herbal smoking mixes to help clear mucus from the lungs. The ritual of burning sage would have been accompanied by a ceremony or prayer. Sold Out. Yerba Santa Smudging/incense for protection & cleansing 2. . Spiritual incense such as: sticks, resins, powders, and cones are traditionally burned in times of prayer. Authorised Sellers Of Original Sage Spirit In The Uk This Is Not Typical Sage It Is Yerba Santa 100% Black Sage. Lavender 7-8 inch, 3-4 inch, 6-7 in . CedarWood & Lavender -has a deep, relaxing and calming effect. . This Is For Spell Casting And Can Also Be Used For Other Work It Is A Very Potent Herb For All Pagan,Wiccan, Witchcraft And Spiritual Work Yerba Santa Incense . Availability: In Stock. White Sage & Yerba Santa Smudge 4"L (Mini) 4544 Yerba Santa Smudge Stick 7"L . Yerba Santa Sage Yerba Santa (Eriodictyon glutinosum and Eriodictyon californicum) is grown in the dry hill areas of California and Northern Mexico. Yerba Santa, which means "Holy Weed," was so named by Spanish missionaries after being introduced to its benefits by local Indian tribes. The Holy and Sacred Herb is known for its healing powers. Yerba Santa Smudge Stick. Toggle menu (605) 202-2066 7 Directions Smudge Stick. Useful in cleansing items, gemstones, environments and the self. $10.50 - $20.00. The Ancient Sage is your source for medicinal herbs, healing crystals & jewelry, botanical incense, smudging supplies, and accessories for home remedies. These are so nice 4" Yerba Santa & White Sage Smudge Stick - 4 inch are awesome. Yerba Santa - Holy Herb Traditionally used as a smudge or incense for protection and setting boundaries, Yerba Santa has also been used for love, purification, growth, empowerment and beauty, and the release of emotional pain stored in the heart chakra. PALO SANTO & WHITE SAGE- While the sage removes the negative energy in the home, the Palo Santo helps to purify it while at the same time attracting benevolent spirits and positive energy. Add to cart Buy Now. Also good for cleansing stones, pipes, feathers and other craft items. Although there is not much research in this area, Yerba Santa is useful in clearing out the mucus caused by allergies and ridding the body of perpetually congested sinuses. -Always open a window as the smoke and scent can be overwhelming The sage is mainly burned for spiritual reasons. How To Cleanse your space: -Clean/ Declutter your home or room. Add to wishlist. Smudge Stick Mini White Sage w/ Panicum Milacea, Mullein Flower & Statice Bundle (Pack of 12) Smudge Stick Medium Rosemary (Pack of 12) . Use Yerba Santa to open the Heart Chakra, promote emotional healing, and to invoke a spiritual connection. In addition, the yerba santa sage is also good for respiratory problems. The sweet, woody fragrance of cedar used by the Native Americans to carry prayers to the creator. Cedar is often used in the sweat lodge ceremony. . SAGE AND LAVENDER 5" Smudge Wand - $6.95. The leaves of Yerba Santa can be used in many forms, but the best known is by burning it and inhaling the fumes or vapor. Yerba Santa Sage, This 4" wand has a sweet smell that will delight your senses, home, office, or any surroundings. Yerba Santa is known as a holy herb. The Indians used Yerba Santa Incense to answer their prayers and to gain positive energy. Price: $15.99. $26.08 (9 new offers) White Sage Smudge Kit - 4 White Sage with Carnation, Licorice Stick, Lily, Peppermint, Marigold, Ginkgo Leaves, Dried Lemon, Dried Tangerine & 1 Yerba Santa! Love these smudge sticks 5"- 6" Yerba Santa Sage Smudge Stick - 5 - 6 inch. Showing all 2 results. From earth to sky, invoke all natural elements with our new white sage and yerba santa smudge bundles. This Is For Spell Casting And Can Also Be Used For Other Work It Is A Very Potent Herb For All Pagan,Wiccan, Witchcraft And Spiritual Work Yerba Santa Incense . It is feminine in nature. They are burned to gain clarity and to purify the area where the ritual is to be . . 6" California White Sage quantity. 7+ inches long. Yerba santa is used for respiratory conditions including cough, cold, tuberculosis, asthma, and long-term swelling (inflammation) of the . Offered as a prayer for healing. Historically it has been used by Native American cultures to cure a range of ailments from coughs and colds, to asthma and bruises. It has a long history of use as an altar offering and has been referred to as "Portable Altar." Uplifting scent. 4 inch White Sage with Yerba Santa Wand combines the spiritual growth offered by Yerba Santa and the cleansing and purification of White Sage. (Female Empowerment, Protection, Healing) Yerba santa is used for psychic power, healing, empowerment, beauty, & protection. 4" Yerba Santa & White Sage Smudge Stick. It was also used in traditional smudging practices and rituals to increase a person's connection with a higher power, as it works to open the crown chakra. Fresh Premium Grade. M-P561. Many customers say that the herb is very useful in treating allergies when used . Frankincense and Myrhh Incense Sticks. Home Yerba Santa is a protective smudge historically used for setting boundaries, love, purification, growth, empowerment, and beauty. All of our sage has been packed in zip-lock bags with 5 smudge bundles in each and labeled. Place a bundle of dried sage, yerba santa, palo santo or any cleansing resin or herb you wish to use in a small plate or a fireproof container that will catch ashes. Its holiness produces strong spiritual healing to a person and his homestead. Add to cart Store Tree of Life Products 0 Ask a Question Categories: Sage, Yerba Santa "Holy Herb" Description Additional information Reviews (0) Store Policies Inquiries Smudging has long been used to connect to the spiritual realm or enhance intuition. Yerba Santa - Holy Herb. It has traditionally used for protection and setting boundaries. Smudge Stick Mini Yerba Santa w/ Statice & Mullein Bundle (Pack of 12) Product code: 73730. Sometimes referred to as Mountain Balm, Tarweed and Gum Bush, Yerba Santa is a low, shrubby evergreen plant, 2 to 4 feet high, found growing abundantly in clumps on dry hills in California and Northern Mexico. Yerba Santa Smudge Stick. 12 item (s) - Page 1 of 1 Items: 12 Product Size: 7" L $6.50 Product Origin Yerba Santa The Holy and Sacred Herb is known for its healing powers. Because it is not tied to a specific rite or culture, creativity is a key component to these rituals. DETAIL. One per pack. Hold the spray bottle between the hands, close the eyes, and visualize beams of white light coming . Sacred Smudge/Smoke. Yerba Santa Sage can be used to cleanse the area of your life of: Self Love & Growth . 0 out of 5 Ask a Question. Opening heart chakra and releasing emotional pain 3. Prayer Flags - Prayer ties or prayer flags made from fterrierc and tobacco are offered to The Great Spirit in exchange for blessings Smudging - Using a smoking smudge wand for purification is part of many Native American traditions Common herbs used for smudging include sage sweetlipodes, yerba santa leaves and lprofondeurder, It Has A Very Distinct Smell And Is Only Advised For Altar , Ritual And Shamanic Protection Work Only. Uplifting scent. Holy Water Bottle. The fragrance of Yerba Santa is similar to the smell of white sage, but the aroma is a lot sweeter. Yerba Santa has been considered a sacred herb throughout history and for good reason! A smudge stick or smudge wand is a bundle of herbs, usually with a base of Sage, bound and tied with a string. A yerba santa smudge can purify spaces and clear heavy or dark energies from people. Item #: SD-FOS -. Yerba Santa can be used to fortify health and strength; it can be used around the space you occupy or circle it around an object, person, or image. The intention of smudging and still is, to clear negative energy and create an overall sense of harmony. Spiritually, it is said that yerba santa helps to release the emotional pain that is often stored in the lungs and heart areas, such as grief, depression, melancholy, and despair. $ 4.99 Yerba Santa is great for setting boundaries, cleansing and in healing the heart chakra. Yerba santa is a stimulant and astringent, and it is used to treat asthma, bronchitis, and other respiratory conditions. Sage is one of the most sacred herbs to Native Americans, and is used in smudging rituals for purification. In many instances, it might have been burned with the . I am ready to awaken my intuition. . Smudging is also known as the "sacred bowl blessing" in Native American cultures. M-P563. Let the stick burn for 10 seconds, it can take a while for the stick to start burning well. Fresh Premium Grade. N . Cleanse the energy in the workplace or home with this essential smudging tool. Cleanse and purify, and/or send your prayers to Mother Earth. Step 1 - White Sage - CLEANSE NEGATIVE White Sage is traditionally used by Native Americans for energetic cleansing. Often used by body workers and therapists before treatments, it can lift one's mood or it could also be a great ally against stress. Yerba Santa is known for having an enjoyable spicy scent that helps dispelling gloomy feelings. Made with:Peppermint and Rosemary Use for:To sharpen the mind, improve concentration, and aid memory. Made of: Natural Yerba Santa ( Scientific name : Eriodictyon californicum) Made in: USA. Traditionally used as a smudge or incense for protection and purification. Yerba santa is an herb. It Has A Very Distinct Smell And Is Only Advised For Altar , Ritual And Shamanic Protection Work Only. Yerba Santa Essential oil for uplifting your energy 4. 5"- 6" Yerba Santa Sage Smudge Stick - 5 - 6 inch. Allergies. Each smudge stick is appropriately 6" size and contains a mix of both Yerba Santa and White Sage. The Spanish named it Holy Herb for its success in treating respiratory problems including asthma, bronchitis, laryngitis, coughs and allergies plus its ability to eliminate mucus and phlegm from the body. 4" Yerba Santa "Holy Herb . Order now. Smudge Stick Yerba Santa 10cm . Strong Smudge. Mountain Sage & Lavender Large 8-9 in. Make your intention specific. Take time to reflect on why you are smudging. These Smudge Sticks are especially useful in clearing the . 11/11/2020 Nayeli. A wonderful ceremonial wand to burn for healing, purification, & love. It also nurtures your inner-self and helps you to recognize your inner desires! The Flower Sage Smudge stick is sage wrapped in the sweet aroma of your favorite flower. Blue Sage: (Artemisia tridentata) is named for its abundant blue flowers, but the leaves also have a blue-ish cast . In combination with decent ventilation of your house, Yerba . Yerba Santa Sage. . Traditionally used as a smudge for protection and setting boundaries. Use to heighten positive energy, to uplift feelings and evoke positive emotions. This wand has sweet smell which will delight your senses, home, office or any surrounding. Noemi. Buy Now. 2. Use in rituals and ceremonies to release negativity, cleanse the aura, cleanse the home, and send prayers to the Creator. Stoles & Prayer Shawls; Tote Bags; Accessories Expand submenu. Also good for cleansing stones, pipes, feathers and other craft items. The ritual of burning sage would have been accompanied by a ceremony or prayer. . You may also like. The smoke of this highly aromatic plant is used in ceremonies and rituals as well for cleansing the home and sacred spaces. 700KES. Step 2 - Purification Box Set. Healing, Purifying, Meditating & Cleansing. The fragrance of Yerba Santa is similar to the smell of white sage, but the aroma is a lot sweeter. Unit size: 1 smudge wand. Smudging Kit 3-Step Purification For Your Home or Office. Authorised Sellers Of Original Sage Spirit In The Uk This Is Not Typical Sage It Is Yerba Santa 100% Black Sage. More buying choices. Yerba Santa Smoke Cleansing Stick. $6.95. Shawmans Dawn Focus Spray. Sage Smudge Sticks. Unit: 1 Smudge Stick per Order. Made with pure yerba santa leaves which is grounded into powder, mixed with natural wood and gums to combine the mix into cone shape. Wholesale Sage Smudge Stick,Yerba Santa,Cedar,Rosemary,Eucalyptus,Dragon Blood,Sauge Bundle Bulk , Find Complete Details about Wholesale Sage Smudge Stick,Yerba Santa,Cedar,Rosemary,Eucalyptus,Dragon Blood,Sauge Bundle Bulk,Sage Smudge Stick,Sage Bundle,Yerba Santa Cedar Rosemary Eucalyptus Dragon Blood Blue Sage Palo Santo from Incense & Incense Burnersnew) Supplier or Manufacturer . A wonderful ceremonial wand to burn for healing, purification, & love. The yerba Santa sage has been used for centuries by indigenous tribes in America during rituals. Sage Smudge Sticks. The intention of smudging and still is, to clear negative energy and create an overall sense of harmony. Jul 17, 2021 - White Sage has been used for many years to banish unwanted spirits and clear negative energies. . High Desert Pinon Smudge Stick. Prayer Flags - Prayer ties or prayer flags made from fterrierc and tobacco are offered to The Great Spirit in exchange for blessings Smudging - Using a smoking smudge wand for purification is part of many Native American traditions Common herbs used for smudging include sage sweetlipodes, yerba santa leaves and lprofondeurder, Orange Slice- Brings good luck. Burn yerba santa for loving vibes. Below are 7 ways you can use this versatile herb in your own life: 1. Yerba Santa- used for protection, love, purification, empowerment, beauty, and the release of emotional pain stored in the heart chakra. Benefits of Yerba Santa. Yerba Santa Smudge Stick. About This Ritual Tool. Wholesale Price: $5.95. 3. Traditionally used as a smudge or incense for protection and setting boundaries, Yerba Santa has also been used for love, purification, growth, empowerment and beauty, and the release of emotional pain stored in the heart chakra. It also relieves the heart chakra from the stored pain and suffering. Description; Additional information; More buying choices. Yerba santa (neutralize harmful energy and support healing) Palo santo (clear out negative spirits and energy, relax and bring joy and harmony to the home) Set your intention Smudging should be done with a clear mind. $24.00. How do you burn Yerba Santa sage? Multi Herb Sticks. The herb is also great to incorporate into your home ritual if you're just starting to practice more self-love and self-care. According to legend, the sage smoke rises to dispel negative energy and cleanse the spiritual environment. 4 Pcs Yerba Santa Sage Smudge Bundle. . YERBA SANTA & WHITE SAGE - While Sage smudging rids your home of negative energies Yerba Santa creates a barrier of protection in every area of the home. Yerba Santa is a diverse herb used for medicinal and spiritual practices by Native American tribes for centuries. Empty cart. Other Sage Blends. Watch Movie; WisdomTalks; Meditations; My Account; Open Menu. Continue Shopping; 0 . Free Shipping. RETURN POLICY. Sage and Yerba Santa is used for cleansing a person or place in preparation for sacred work or ritual and helps to create a sacred space. Traditionally used herbally in the Southwest, where Taos Herb Company is . Burn rosemary for new beginnings. It is also said to augment the flow of urine, detoxifying the body of allergens. The leaf is used to make medicine. Traditionally used as a smudge or incense for protection and purification. Strong Smudge. Burning sage or smudge can lift one's mood it could also be a great ally against stress. 6 pack of 4" hand rolled Yerba Santa Sage smudge bundles. 9.6 Instock $ 2023-05-18 Blue Sage, White Sage, Yerba Santa Mix'. Smudging has been traditionally used to remove negative energy $ 6.50. Hekate prayer card. Are you familiar with Juniper? Hold the smudge stick until it catches fire. Yerba Santa Large Smudge Wand.